Register Today For Our Live Q&A On Spinal Cord Stimulation
With Dr. Michael Skaliy
August 19, 2021 at 4:30 pm (45 min)
Are you suffering from continued pain after back surgery?
Have you been told there is nothing else that can be done?
Have you been told that the only thing that can be done is more surgery?
Have you been taking pain medicines to try to just get by, every day?
We have treatment options!
Do you want to be pain free?
Do you want to be able to go back to an active lifestyle?
Do you want to not have to take medicine for your pain every day?
Are you tired of hurting?
Do you feel depressed about your present pain?
Do you feel like you are a mere shadow of what you used to be?
If you have had back surgery and are still in pain, we can help you.
You don’t have to live like you are living now.
We can help you with Spinal Cord Stimulation, a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure
The best thing is you get to take it for a test drive. Don’t you wish you could have taken your surgery for a test drive? The test drive only involves two small needle sticks.
You have had back surgery, and you still have pain. You have been told there is nothing that can be done. There is! And we can change your life. You don’t have to live on pain medications. We have treatments that can change your life!
Join us for an informative Q&A on the amazing technology of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS). SCS has changed the lives of so many patients and allowed them to return to normal daily activities, pain free.
We will discuss, who can benefit from this minimally invasive procedure? The trial, aka test drive, where the patient gets to try device with no commitment. I don’t know any other procedure you can say that about. How SCS treats chronic pain. Most of all how 80% of patients have found relief with this minimally invasive outpatient procedure?
Spinal Cord Stimulation can help to alleviate pain, eliminate pain medications, provide one with an alternative to surgery and a life in chronic pain.
This is a live in person or virtual, free event with Dr. Michael Skaliy from Atlanta Spine Specialists in Alpharetta, GA
The information presented is designed to give attendees an understanding of the newest technology, providing one with all the information needed to make an educated decision on medical options.
Register today. This is a FREE educational and interactive health event.
August 19, 2021 at 4:30 pm (45 min)
Spinal Cord Stimulation can help with the following conditions:
• Lower Back Pain
• Continued Pain after Surgery
• Sciatica
• Hip Pain
• Spinal Stenosis
• Failed Back Surgery